54 research outputs found

    Global Functional Atlas of \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e Encompassing Previously Uncharacterized Proteins

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    One-third of the 4,225 protein-coding genes of Escherichia coli K-12 remain functionally unannotated (orphans). Many map to distant clades such as Archaea, suggesting involvement in basic prokaryotic traits, whereas others appear restricted to E. coli, including pathogenic strains. To elucidate the orphans’ biological roles, we performed an extensive proteomic survey using affinity-tagged E. coli strains and generated comprehensive genomic context inferences to derive a high-confidence compendium for virtually the entire proteome consisting of 5,993 putative physical interactions and 74,776 putative functional associations, most of which are novel. Clustering of the respective probabilistic networks revealed putative orphan membership in discrete multiprotein complexes and functional modules together with annotated gene products, whereas a machine-learning strategy based on network integration implicated the orphans in specific biological processes. We provide additional experimental evidence supporting orphan participation in protein synthesis, amino acid metabolism, biofilm formation, motility, and assembly of the bacterial cell envelope. This resource provides a “systems-wide” functional blueprint of a model microbe, with insights into the biological and evolutionary significance of previously uncharacterized proteins

    Novel Interactome of \u3cem\u3eSaccharomyces cerevisiae\u3c/em\u3e Myosin Type II Identified by a Modified Integrated Membrane Yeast Two-Hybrid (iMYTH) Screen

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    Nonmuscle myosin type II (Myo1p) is required for cytokinesis in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Loss of Myo1p activity has been associated with growth abnormalities and enhanced sensitivity to osmotic stress, making it an appealing antifungal therapeutic target. The Myo1p tail-only domain was previously reported to have functional activity equivalent to the full-length Myo1p whereas the head-only domain did not. Since Myo1p tail-only constructs are biologically active, the tail domain must have additional functions beyond its previously described role in myosin dimerization or trimerization. The identification of new Myo1p-interacting proteins may shed light on the other functions of the Myo1p tail domain. To identify novel Myo1p-interacting proteins, and determine if Myo1p can serve as a scaffold to recruit proteins to the bud neck during cytokinesis, we used the integrated split-ubiquitin membrane yeast two-hybrid (iMYTH) system. Myo1p was iMYTH-tagged at its C-terminus, and screened against both cDNA and genomic prey libraries to identify interacting proteins. Control experiments showed that the Myo1p-bait construct was appropriately expressed, and that the protein colocalized to the yeast bud neck. Thirty novel Myo1p-interacting proteins were identified by iMYTH. Eight proteins were confirmed by coprecipitation (Ape2, Bzz1, Fba1, Pdi1, Rpl5, Tah11, and Trx2) or mass spectrometry (AP-MS) (Abp1). The novel Myo1p-interacting proteins identified come from a range of different processes, including cellular organization and protein synthesis. Actin assembly/disassembly factors such as the SH3 domain protein Bzz1 and the actin-binding protein Abp1 represent likely Myo1p interactions during cytokinesis

    Functional cooperativity between the trigger factor chaperone and the ClpXP proteolytic complex

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    A functional association is uncovered between the ribosome-associated trigger factor (TF) chaperone and the ClpXP degradation complex. Bioinformatic analyses demonstrate conservation of the close proximity of tig, the gene coding for TF, and genes coding for ClpXP, suggesting a functional interaction. The effect of TF on ClpXP-dependent degradation varies based on the nature of substrate. While degradation of some substrates are slowed down or are unaffected by TF, surprisingly, TF increases the degradation rate of a third class of substrates. These include λ phage replication protein λO, master regulator of stationary phase RpoS, and SsrA-tagged proteins. Globally, TF acts to enhance the degradation of about 2% of newly synthesized proteins. TF is found to interact through multiple sites with ClpX in a highly dynamic fashion to promote protein degradation. This chaperone–protease cooperation constitutes a unique and likely ancestral aspect of cellular protein homeostasis in which TF acts as an adaptor for ClpXP

    ClpP protease activation results from the reorganization of the electrostatic interaction networks at the entrance pores

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    Bacterial ClpP is a highly conserved, cylindrical, self-compartmentalizing serine protease required for maintaining cellular proteostasis. Small molecule acyldepsipeptides (ADEPs) and activators of self-compartmentalized proteases 1 (ACP1s) cause dysregulation and activation of ClpP, leading to bacterial cell death, highlighting their potential use as novel antibiotics. Structural changes in Neisseria meningitidis and Escherichia co ClpP upon binding to novel ACP1 and ADEP analogs were probed by X-ray crystallography, methyl-TROSY NMR, and small angle X-ray scattering. ACP1 and ADEP induce distinct conformational changes in the ClpP structure. However, reorganization of electrostatic interaction networks at the ClpP entrance pores is necessary and sufficient for activation. Further activation is achieved by formation of ordered N-terminal axial loops and reduction in the structural heterogeneity of the ClpP cylinder. Activating mutations recapitulate the structural effects of small molecule activator binding. Our data, together with previous findings, provide a structural basis for a unified mechanism of compound-based ClpP activation2CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP306943/2015-8; 420567/2016-099999.004913/2015-092015/15822-1; 2012/01953-9; 2016/05019-0; 2012/50161-8Precision Medicine Initiative (PRiME) at the University of Toronto internal fellowship [PMRF2019-007]; Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) postdoctoral fellowshipCanadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR); CNPq-Brazil fellowship [202192/2015-6]; Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation postdoctoral fellowship; Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)Ontario Graduate Scholarship; Department of Biochemistry at the University of Toronto; Centre for Pharmaceutical Oncology (University of Toronto); CIHR Training Program in Protein Folding and Interaction Dynamics: Principles and Diseases fellowshipCanadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) [TGF-53910]; University of Toronto Fellowship from the Department of Biochemistry; OGS fellowship; NSERC PGS-D2 fellowship; CIHR Emerging Team Grants from the Institute of Infection and ImmunityCanadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) [XNE-86945]; CIHR Project grantCanadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) [PJT-148564]; Global Affairs Canada (Canada); CAPES (Brazil)CAPES [99999.004913/2015-09]; NSERCNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada [RGPIN-2015-04877, DG-20234]; Canada Research Chairs ProgramCanada Research Chairs; CIHR new investigator programCanadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR); FAPESPFundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [2015/15822-1, 2012/01953-9, 2016/05019-0, 2012/50161-8]; CNPqNational Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) [306943/2015-8, 420567/2016-0]; AbbVie [1097737]; BayerBayer AG [1097737]; Boehringer IngelheimBoehringer Ingelheim [1097737]; Genome Canada through Ontario Genomics Institute GrantGenome Canada [1097737, OGI-055]; GlaxoSmithKlineGlaxoSmithKline [1097737]; JanssenJohnson & Johnson USAJanssen Biotech Inc [1097737]; Lilly CanadaEli Lilly [1097737]; MerckMerck & Company [1097737]; Novartis Research Foundation [1097737]; Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation [1097737]; PfizerPfizer [1097737]; TakedaTakeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd [1097737]; Wellcome Trust GrantWellcome Trust [1097737, 092809/Z/10/Z]; Canada Foundation for InnovationCanada Foundation for Innovation; NSERCNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; University of Saskatchewan; Government of Saskatchewan; Western Economic Diversification Canada; National Research Council Canada; CIHRCanadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR

    Systematic Genetic Screens Reveal the Dynamic Global Functional Organization of the Bacterial Translation Machinery

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    Bacterial protein synthesis is an essential, conserved, and environmentally responsive process. Yet, many of its components and dependencies remain unidentified. To address this gap, we used quantitative synthetic genetic arrays to map functional relationships among >48,000 gene pairs in Escherichia coli under four culture conditions differing in temperature and nutrient availability. The resulting data provide global functional insights into the roles and associations of genes, pathways, and processes important for efficient translation, growth, and environmental adaptation. We predict and independently verify the requirement of unannotated genes for normal translation, including a previously unappreciated role of YhbY in 30S biogenesis. Dynamic changes in the patterns of genetic dependencies across the four growth conditions and data projections onto other species reveal overarching functional and evolutionary pressures impacting the translation system and bacterial fitness, underscoring the utility of systematic screens for investigating protein synthesis, adaptation, and evolution

    Ribosome-Dependent ATPase Interacts with Conserved Membrane Protein in Escherichia coli to Modulate Protein Synthesis and Oxidative Phosphorylation

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    Elongation factor RbbA is required for ATP-dependent deacyl-tRNA release presumably after each peptide bond formation; however, there is no information about the cellular role. Proteomic analysis in Escherichia coli revealed that RbbA reciprocally co-purified with a conserved inner membrane protein of unknown function, YhjD. Both proteins are also physically associated with the 30S ribosome and with members of the lipopolysaccharide transport machinery. Genome-wide genetic screens of rbbA and yhjD deletion mutants revealed aggravating genetic interactions with mutants deficient in the electron transport chain. Cells lacking both rbbA and yhjD exhibited reduced cell division, respiration and global protein synthesis as well as increased sensitivity to antibiotics targeting the ETC and the accuracy of protein synthesis. Our results suggest that RbbA appears to function together with YhjD as part of a regulatory network that impacts bacterial oxidative phosphorylation and translation efficiency

    Genetic Interaction Maps in Escherichia coli Reveal Functional Crosstalk among Cell Envelope Biogenesis Pathways

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    As the interface between a microbe and its environment, the bacterial cell envelope has broad biological and clinical significance. While numerous biosynthesis genes and pathways have been identified and studied in isolation, how these intersect functionally to ensure envelope integrity during adaptive responses to environmental challenge remains unclear. To this end, we performed high-density synthetic genetic screens to generate quantitative functional association maps encompassing virtually the entire cell envelope biosynthetic machinery of Escherichia coli under both auxotrophic (rich medium) and prototrophic (minimal medium) culture conditions. The differential patterns of genetic interactions detected among >235,000 digenic mutant combinations tested reveal unexpected condition-specific functional crosstalk and genetic backup mechanisms that ensure stress-resistant envelope assembly and maintenance. These networks also provide insights into the global systems connectivity and dynamic functional reorganization of a universal bacterial structure that is both broadly conserved among eubacteria (including pathogens) and an important target

    Insights from protein-protein interaction studies on bacterial pathogenesis

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    <p><b>Introduction</b>: The threat bacterial pathogens pose to human health is increasing with the number and distribution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, while the rate of discovery of new antimicrobials dwindles. Proteomics is playing key roles in understanding the molecular mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis, and in identifying disease outcome determinants. The physical associations identified by proteomics can provide the means to develop pathogen-specific treatment methods that reduce the spread of antibiotic resistance and alleviate the negative effects of broad-spectrum antibiotics on beneficial bacteria.</p> <p><b>Areas covered</b>: This review discusses recent trends in proteomics and introduces new and developing approaches that can be applied to the study of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) underlying bacterial pathogenesis. The approaches examined encompass options for mapping proteomes as well as stable and transient interactions <i>in vivo</i> and <i>in vitro</i>. We also explored the coverage of bacterial and human-bacterial PPIs, knowledge gaps in this area, and how they can be filled.</p> <p><b>Expert commentary</b>: Identifying potential antimicrobial candidates is confounded by the complex molecular biology of bacterial pathogenesis and the lack of knowledge about PPIs underlying this process. Proteomics approaches can offer new perspectives for mechanistic insights and identify essential targets for guiding the discovery of next generation antimicrobials.</p